Sunday, November 18, 2007

New tablecover - Feral cat

If I had a camera I would take a picture of the round tablecover I just finished for my nightstand.
When I lived in Miracle Mile, I purchased yards and yards of beautiful, lovely, delicious smokey green silk of which I made lined curtains to dress the beautiful picture window in apartment I inhabited. Well, having since moved, I have no window for such treatments. And having some of this fabric left over when i first moved to my new apartment, I draped an oblong section over this cheap little target table I purchased and said, "there....done!" . After one year at new residence, I finally got around to sewing a damn tablecover. It took all of 2-1/2 hours and one tear-out. I ran out of fabric, but that section can face the back (it's just a small section anyway) I'm not about to tear apart those gorgeous curtains I made! The cover looks like a home-made cover, but who cares? It's silk!

Note to self: purchase camera for Chritsmas gift to self.
When visiting Mother over holidays, leave cat. forget to "pack him"

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